Assistant, 20.923 (8)
Searches of public records, copies, 19.25
Sellers of checks, business termination, deposit proceeds, 217.11 (5)
State debt, see State—22. Public Debt
Unclaimed legacy or intestate property paid to, limitation, 863.37
Unclaimed property, Ch. 177
Action to establish claim, 177.26
Claim of another state to recover, procedure, 177.25
Custody by state, 177.20 (1)
Defense of holder, 177.20 (5)
Deposit of funds, 177.23
Disposition of valueless property, liability immunity, 177.28
Dividends, interest, crediting, 177.21
Election to take payment or delivery, 177.27
Filing claim with, notice, interest, 177.24
Holder's affidavit, acceptance, 177.20 (4)
Interstate agreements and cooperation, 177.33
Notice and publication of lists, 177.18
Periods of limitation, 177.29
Public sale, 177.22
Records, examination of, 177.30
Reimbursement of holder paying claim, 177.20 (2)
Reimbursement of treasurer by workforce development dept. for claims paid under section 20.912 (1), 177.265
Reports, requests for, 177.30
Rules, adoption, 177.38
University regents, treasurer for, 36.07 (3)
How filled during disability, 17.025 (4) (c)
When filled at special election, 8.50 (4) (c)
state use board STATE USE BOARD
Creation, members, 15.105 (22)
Duties, 16.752
General provisions, 15.07
statistics STATISTICS
Generally, Ch. 69
Agricultural products and resources, dept. to collect, 69.66
County clerk's returns to revenue department, 69.62
Dairy products, collection, 93.07 (21)
Debt statement by clerks to secretary of state, 69.68
Failure to file requisite reports, penalty, 69.69
Industrial accidents, 102.35, 102.37, 102.38
Real estate sales:
Revenue department duty, 69.63
Use of, 69.65
Tax statements to revenue dept., 70.53
Failure to return, 69.67
Relating to, collection, 69.60
statutes STATUTES
See also Legislature
statutes_1. construction 1. Construction
Generally, Ch. 990
Absent voting, 6.84
Actions, rights not affected by repeal, 990.04
Acts by agents, 990.001 (9)
Administration department, statutes applicable to, 16.001 (2)
Alcoholic beverages, 125.01
Alcoholism and intoxication treatment act, 51.45 (18)
Appropriation statutes:
General applicability, 20.002
Repealed, 20.002 (3m)
Blight elimination and slum clearance law, 66.1333 (17)
Blighted area law, 66.1331 (15)
Bonds, liability of sureties, 990.001 (10)
Certification of questions of law, 821.11
Child custody jurisdiction and enforcement law, 822.01
Citation of statutes, 991.12
Citizens utility board act, 199.18
City charter, general, 62.04
City classes, statutory reference to, 990.001 (15)
Collective bargaining, public policy, 103.51
Commercial code, 401.102, 401.104
Community mental health, developmental disabilities, alcoholism and drug abuse services, 51.42 (8)
Condemnation, cities of first class, alternate procedures, 32.71
Condominium ownership act, 703.30
Conflicts, 1898 statutes, 990.02
Conservation easements, uniform act, 700.40 (6)
Consumer act, 421.102, 421.104
Consumer credit transactions, customer's remedies, to be liberally construed, 425.301
Conveyances of real property law, 706.001 (3)
Corrections compact, 302.25, 302.255
County social services administration, 46.22 (4)
Criminal law, application of ch. 939, 939.20
Declarations to physicians, 154.11 (6)
Definitions with general application, 990.01
For a list of the defined terms used in the statutes, see Words and Phrases
Developmental disabilities services, 51.437 (15)